Till the end of this month the moovie trivia quiz would be brought to a halt since I am having a busy time. And since kaidha is on a little holiday, there is no one to do it. So I would be ready & set by the end of this month. Till then you guyz enjoy all the other contests going on around the blogger. SORRY for this. Hope you guyz understand! :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


The answer is THE DEPARTED.

No one answered, so no winner for today!

About the Moovie: Two just-graduated officers from Massachusetts State Police Academy follow opposite sides of the law: William Costigan is assigned to work undercover with the Irish mobster Frank Costello to get evidences to arrest him. His true identity is only known by his superiors Dignam and Oliver Queenan. The protégée of Costello, Colin Sullivan, is promoted in the Massachusetts State Police and is the informer of Costello. Each police officer gives his best effort trying to disclose the identity of the other "rat".


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